On Thursday 4th June 2009, SOS GROUP celebrated 40 years in business. We celebrated the event with a celebration lunch at the Culloden Estate and Spa, attended by all staff, some long-standing customers and suppliers. To mark the occasion we had a prize draw with 40 great prizes to mark the years in business.
The sun shone and everyone claimed the day to be a success. Many of the guests left laden with prizes including a weekend in London, tickets to the Waterfont Hall, meals at Aldens Restaurant, Culloden Estate and Spa and the Slieve Donard Hotel, ACTIVexpression learner response devices and much more. Magician, Horace Jay, entertained the guests with some magic tricks before lunch. Many thanks to everyone who attended and all of very generous suppliers who contributed to the day.
What a fantastic celebration of 40 years in business. It was well planned, a lovely location, great food and the sun shone!